Evening Walks in Sofia.

Hello everybody,

new vlog strolling around Sofia (Bulgaria) with my family. We had a great time at this vintage restaurant. The food was absolutely delicious! Have you been to Bulgaria? Comment below x


Mary ♡

Strolling around Sofia.

Hello everybody,

follow me around beautiful and sunny Sofia (Bulgaria) in this blog. I also chopped off my hair. I am really loving the new look. Have you been to Bulgaria? Comment below :*


Mary ♡

Lindau Trip.

Hello everybody,

I am taking you around the beautiful Constance Lake (Bodensee) in Germany and Lindau. Comment below if you have been to Germany and this part of the country 🙂


Mary ♡

Munich Vlog .

Hello my beautiful friends,

yesterday I had a wonderful day strolling around Munich and I decided to make a Munich vlog and so I could share my experience with you. I did some really quick makeup shopping because the whole trip was so spontaneous and we actually had like one hour for shopping.

My husband and I took the train as it is the most easiest and less stressful way for us to go to Munich. We actually prefer traveling with the train around Germany instead with the car – the public transport is really good and fast.

Honestly I knew what makeup I wanted to buy so it was a quite easy task for me. I was shopping in Douglas – this is a huge beauty/makeup store mainly spread in Europe and it is a similar one to Sephora and Ulta. Basically last night I did some damage:) I am planning to the a separate Makeup Haul video on my Youtube channel so I can show you the stuff I bought.

Last night was also really special beacause we had the opportunity to take part in a night praying meeting right in the center of Munich. It was dedicated to the tragical night in Paris. It was so touching, the whole atmosphere was amazing. And I believe that everyone of us can take a moment and pray for all these people who had lost their beloved ones. There is so much pain around us and around the world but I also believe that there is a power in our prayers.

Thank you for watching guys. Please subscribe to my channel if you haven’t had and see you soon in my next post and my next video.


Mary ♡

#PrayForParis #PrayForAllNations